Precision Punch

Energy Efficiency

Energy-Efficient Measures at Precision Punch Saves Electricity

NEEC-CT will present Precision Punch with Environmental Stewardship Award

motors-&-vfds---arial-view.JPGPrecision Punch accomplished these savings through participation in the Energy Opportunities Program.  This is one of the innovative energy programs supported by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund and administered by the energy experts at The Connecticut Light & Power Company.  Through the Energy Opportunities program, companies can save energy and reduce their monthly utility costs by replacing still-functioning equipment with more energy efficiency options.

parking-lot-LED.JPGTraver IDC (Waterbury, CT) performed the upgrades which included upgrading of equipment with measures such as Premium Efficiency Motors, Variable Frequency Drives, Transformers, Lighting and Occupancy sensors, and one of the first installations of LED parking lot lights in Connecticut. Jack Traver, President of Traver IDC, commented, “It has been an exciting experience working with Kevin Gregoire, Vice President of Precision Punch and Fred Shamburg, President of Leanovations, LLC on Precision Punch's Lean to Green initiative helping them to eliminate wasted energy and save significant costs while making tremendous environmental improvements”.

The Energy Efficiency Fund was created in 1998 to address Connecticut’s increasing energy needs. A small charge on customer utility bills provides the funds that support programs for homeowners and renters, small and large businesses, and state and local governments.  Governor Malloy and state legislators were instrumental in working with the energy efficiency industry to protect the Fund.

Prec.-Punch-3.JPG“The benefits are tremendous for the consumers and the environment, and using the dollars from the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund provides a clear example of how businesses and organizations can employ environmentally sound practices without sacrificing the bottom line,” stated Dave Leishman, Co-Chair of the Northeast Energy Efficiency Council- CT Chapter.

The Northeast Energy Efficiency Council- CT Chapter is a business association of the energy efficiency industry.  NEEC-CT was formed to help member companies grow and prosper in a challenging environment.  They provide a voice for the industry to support and expand business opportunities for efficiency companies.