Caligiuri backed by city's GOP delegation in bid for U.S. Senate

By Paul Hughes, Republican American

HARTFORD — The two other Republicans in Water­bury’s delegation to the Gen­eral Assembly are endorsing native son Sam S.F. Caligiuri for U.S. Senate.

Caligiuri, a two-term state senator from Waterbury, is one of five announced candi­dates vying for the Republi­can nomination for 2010.

Caligiuri, R-16th District, just received the endorse­ments of the two other Re­publican members of the Waterbury delegation, Reps. Anthony J. D’Amelio, R-71st District, and Selim G. Nou­jaim, R-74th District.

“Sam’s record of reform, his courage, work ethic and drive to make good decisions for the people of Connecticut make him the best candidate to face Chris Dodd next year,” D’Amelio said.

Noujaim said he believes Caligiuri will be stronger on job creation and economic development than Dodd based on his tenure in the state Senate.

“Connecticut needs a U.S. senator with this same per­spective, especially at a time when Senator Dodd has failed us so miserably in protecting Connecticut jobs and busi­nesses,” he said.

Caligiuri also received the endorsement of Sen. Rob Kane, R-Watertown.

Kane cited Caligiuri’s ef­forts to pass a three-strikes­and- you’re-out law in Connecticut to send violent repeat offenders to prison for life.

Sen. Kevin T. Witkos, R­Canton, also endorsed Caligiuri.

“As the son of immigrants from a working-class, Democ­ratic town, Sam has broad ap­peal to Connecticut voters,” Witkos said. “Not only does he bring the background and perspective of someone who has worked hard to become a success, he has proven his ability to win Democratic and unaffiliated voters by demon­strating that ideas and the person matter more than someone’s party label.”